Sunday, January 17, 2010

Shoes are a girls best friend..

For most girls shoes are one of the most important things in their wardrobe, at least for me ! I LOVE my shoes and I could buy shoes every day if I had the money !

For a poor student like myself I can't always afford 500$ shoes so you gotta buy the ones that look like million dollars but really cost like 50$. One of my favorite online stores is , I just LOVE their shoes !!!! The clothing is ok too but not as good as the shooooooooes. All the shoes cost about 10-40$ which is nooooot much for a beautiful pair of shoes. It's actually very expensive to ship to Iceland but if you know someone/or you are living in the states the shipping is not that expensive! ( and free over 100$ orders).

Designers vs. amiclubwear

Velvet angels - 175$

Amiclubwear - 24$

Stella McCartney - 420$

Amiclubwear - 27$

Marc Jacobs - 495$

amiclubwear - 24$

Yves Saint Laurent - 695$

Amiclubwear - 23$

Diane Von furstenberg - 295$

Amiclubwear - 22$

Jimmy Choo - 395$

Amiclubwear - 25$ ( LOOOOOOVE THESE)

Juicy Couture - 220$

Amiclubwear - 10$ !!

Don't go bankrupt dear blog-reading friend, sure allow your self too buy designer clothes ones in a while but make sure you can really afford them ! Save up for it .. anyway good luck beautiful people ! XOXO



  1. Flott blogg. Þú leggur greinilega mikla vinnu í þetta :)

  2. ohhh já það eru svo geðveikir skór þarna :D
    tökum okkur bara saman nokkrar og pöntum okkur fullt !
    en hey veitu hvort þetta er búð einhver staðar úti eða bara á netinu?

  3. Held þetta sé bara á netinu sko.. annars er ég ekki alveg viss samt
